“That’ll Do” Content Is Ruining Your Online Presence

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing. It’s free to use and can be an effective way to spread the word about your business and increase your visibility. However, you can’t just go about social media haphazardly.
In the digital age we live in, it has become easier than ever to reach a large audience through our social media channels. After all, what is social media if not a place for us to share content with each other? We have no constraints on the amount of content we can share or how many times we can share the same thing, making it extremely easy to spread awareness of your business.
With all this free publicity at our fingertips, why aren’t more people taking advantage of their social media channels?
Free doesn’t mean your brand’s personality isn’t important.
Ah, the magical world of social media. It’s new, shiny, easy to use, and free, right? Right. But what may not be so apparent is that your business or personal brand isn’t entitled to a presence on every channel just because it’s free. If you’re not careful and don’t put some thought into your choices, you’ll be one of many lost souls in the sea of Facebook posts, tweets, and Instagram photos. That may get your message out there, but will it be received at all?
Free doesn’t mean you can’t be creative.
The fact is, social media has become such an integral part of our lives that we don’t even think about what we’re doing anymore. Social media isn’t just about posting content on the regular—it’s about making sure those posts are interesting and relevant enough to keep people coming back for more over the long haul.
We just go on Facebook and Twitter and follow people willy-nilly. But if you can get over what seems like wasted time and build up the habit of being present on your various networks, there are several ways to get creative and take advantage of social media.
Free doesn’t mean you can ignore people online.
When you’re just starting out, it can be tempting to neglect social media. After all, it’s free! There’s no cost involved in setting up a Facebook page or posting an Instagram photo. But there is a cost: if you don’t put any effort into your social media presence, then it will simply be another digital space where people ignore your brand and go about their business.
The truth is that good social media requires as much (if not more) strategy as other kinds of marketing efforts. Successful companies build up their brands through strong content and consistent posting schedules; they don’t let their competitors’ posts go unanswered; they make sure everyone at every level understands how important social media is for building brand awareness… and so on.
Free doesn’t mean your posts should be boring.
Sure, it’s easy to get started with social media, but if you want to make your page more than a glorified advertising channel, you need to take some risks and do something unexpected.
People are bored of boring content. If you want to stand out in a crowded field, you need to create interesting and original content that’s relevant to your target audience. We’re all guilty of posting content that is uninspiring, but if it’s the only thing you put out there, you’re going to look lazy—and your brand won’t get any respect for being so monotonous!
Stop posting “that’ll do” content.
Differentiated is on a mission to change the way people use their social media platforms. We believe that you shouldn’t have a “that’ll do” attitude when it comes to posting content. You have no idea what sort of person you may reach, so why not put your best foot forward?
Abby Light,